When you go out into the world,
Watch out for traffic,
Hold hands and stick together.
(From "All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindgergarten" by Robert Fulghum)

I welcome the Brown School Community to my blog!  It has been a few months since I first asked if a blog would be something you are all interested in.  I have stepped out of my comfort zone and taken these steps with technology to communicate with everyone.  I suppose if I don't take risks, it would be unfair of me to ask my students to take risks, so here is my inaugural blog post.

We are entering the time of school year where we are doing a lot of talk about transitioning to Bresnahan School for first grade.  As well, some of our pre-schoolers will be transitioning to kindergarten within Brown School.  This is a very exciting time!

As well, it can be a time full of anxiety over the unknown.  As I read with the students this year, in Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes, Wemberly asks a lot of questions as she worries about her new school experience:  What if no one else has spots?  What if no one else wears stripes?  What if no one else brings a doll?  What if the teacher is mean?  What if the room smells bad?  What if they make fun of my name?  What if I can't find the bathroom?  What if I hate the snack?  What if I have to cry?

We are cognizant of how your children may be feeling about the big changes coming up.  To that end, there are many activities scheduled to assuage that anxiety.  We will be taking the current kindergarten class to Bresnahan school twice - once for a tour and once for the groundbreaking for our new school.  While there, they will meet the teachers and get a lay of the land so to speak.  Among other activities, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Mascia, the Principal and Vice-Principal of Bresnahan School, will be coming to Brown School to read to each of the kindergarten classes and talk to them about first grade.

One of the many great things about this transition is that there are many teachers, like me, who work both at Brown and Bresnahan, so your children will be sure to see some familiar faces.  In the meantime, before the school year is through, I will be using this blog to post different activities and items of interest for your and your child to discuss about moving on.  I will let you know when a new post has been added so you can be sure not to miss anything!

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