No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.  - Aesop
The Brown School students rose so beautifully to our challenge to commit 100 acts of kindness during Random Acts of Kindness Week.  Not only did they reach their goal, they surpassed it!  We needed not one thermometer to measure, not two, but THREE thermometers to count the 267 acts total throughout the school!  

The students were clearly so proud at our All School Meetings on Tuesday as we counted.  As well, they were especially well-behaved for our guest reader, Kate Middlemiss (or Mrs. M), mother of six-year old Joseph Middlemiss and inspiration behind his family's All You Need Is Love Mission.  We found Kate through Miss Tanasi, one of Brown School's Pre-School Teachers.  (You can read more about Joseph's story, his family and their mission here... ) Kate did not share anything about the details of Joseph's passing with the students, nor did she share that he had passed.  She did, however, generously leave behind a big basket of books for our school in memory of Joseph and to spread his love, kindness and compassion.

Kate read a lovely book called Heartprints to our students, all about how you leave a heartprint behind when you do or say something kind to someone.  This tied in so beautifully with our message and our overall school message and philosophy about bucket-filling.

Thank you for following up at home about acts of month we will be doing something special with Mr. Gogolos, our Physical Education Teacher, during our All School Meetings to honor their hard work and focus on kindness.

Keep up the great work, Brown School!!!

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